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Abuse Manager Pro API

The API is not released yet. It will be part of v3.4's release.

This page explains the ways to interact with the Abuse Manager Pro API.

Generating your API ID For Authentication

  • Login to your WHMCS installation (WHMCS Admin)
  • Go to Setup > Staff Management > Manage API Credentials
  • Click on API roles, click on Create API Role button, DO NOT give it any actions, press save
  • Click on API credentials, click on Generate New API Credential button, select your admin user, select the API role created previously
  • Copy the identifier only - we do not need the secret
  • This identifier will be the API_ID that needs to be passed in the header of your call to authenticate with the API

API URL / Endpoint

The Abuse Manager Pro API can be consumed from:


Available Actions/Functions

Action Description
Create Creates an abuse report automatically

Error Codes

Code Description

Actions Index


Action create
Authentication Required Yes
service_id required - this is the WHMCS ID of the service that the abuse report will be created for
category required - this is the category of abuse - can be any value e.g. 'Spam' or 'High I/O' or 'Hacking Attempts' etc.
service_ip optional - if not passed X
suspend_method optional - defaults to nosuspend - available options are 'nosuspend', 'immediate', and 'timelimit'
allow_unsuspend optional - defaults to false - if you want to give the customer the option to self unsuspend set to true
additional_info optional - This is the additional information field - this is visible to the customer
admin_notes optional - This is the admin notes field - this is only visible to the admins
Success JSON Output
Error JSON Output
"{"status":"error","error_code":"AMP009","error_description":"Missing required parameters."}"

Example PHP Curl Script

The example below shows how to create an abuse report programmatically using the API service.

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://URL-TO-YOUR-WHMCS/modules/addons/abusemanagerpro/includes/api.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
            'action' => 'create',                                           // required - 'create' is to be used to create an abuse report
            'service_id' => '1',                                            // required - this is the WHMCS ID of the service that the abuse report will be created for
            'category' => 'Spam',                                           // required - this is the category of abuse - can be any value e.g. 'Spam' or 'High I/O' or 'Hacking Attempts' etc.
            'service_ip' => '',                                      // optional - if not passed X
            'suspend_method' => 'suspend',                                  // optional - defaults to nosuspend - available options are 'nosuspend', 'immediate', and 'timelimit'
            'allow_unsuspend' => true,                                      // optional - defaults to false - if you want to give the customer the option to self unsuspend set to true
            'additional_info' => 'This is the additional info field',       // optional - This is the additional information field - this is visible to the customer
            'admin_notes' => 'This is the admin notes field',               // optional - This is the admin notes field - this is only visible to the admins
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'API_ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',                             // required - this header is required for authentication
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
amp/amp_api.1584596343.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/19 06:39 by rsk